
Monday 6 January 2020

New Year 2020 and a Restart to my Blog.

The purpose of this blog was to motivate me to paint and game. It worked for a couple of years but then fell into disuse as life rather got in the way.

My last post here was way back in August '17 and an awful lot of water has passed under the bridge since then. I was looking at property in Italy but actually been very happily living in a lovely Longere in Normandy since 28 Jun '18. 

I'm incredibly lucking to have gone from having a 6'x4' table in my spare bedroom to having a  dedicated 'suite' with a 12'x4' table.

I have joined 2 wargame clubs, each and hours drive from home. One is in Carentan and the other is in Fougeres. I will post much more about them once I have spoken to the members to ask for their permission. Both clubs are very welcoming and tolerant of my very poor French. They both meet on Saturdays so I am spoilt for choice.

By pure coincidence there is an expat Brit wargamer also living in Saint-Michel-de-Montjoie, less than 2km from me. We have a regular gaming session every Thursday. At the moment are mainly using Chain of Command and Sharp Practice; although we also play tested two of Peter Pigs rule sets namely his Pirate rules (sorry Martin but the name escapes me at the moment!!) and Bloody Barons.

Painting wise I have been quite busy concentrating on 28mm American Civil War, French Indian Wars and early WWII French.

As to the next few months I hope to concentrate on on more of the above plus a host of Perry Plastic 1415-1429 English.

The only blot on the landscape is a cataract in my right eye which means I need a lens replacement in the near future. In the meantime I will paint as much as I can and game on a regular basis.

It is also my intention to continue with this Blog and develop it further.

Bon journee et au revoir


  1. Will follow with interest. How do you buy figures? All from the UK mailed or any local shops?

  2. Looking forward to getting some games in the Spring, so get painting old chum


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